To the story of Greece in World War II
A Website by John Moher & Dimitris Christodoulou
"This website is dedicated to the memory of those who fought (on both sides) during the Italian, and later German invasions of Greece, but most especially the Greeks who were defending their homeland. I've always been interested in the Greek campaign because it was the first major action for the 2nd New Zealand Division, and because I had relatives who fought there in that formation. However being an avid amateur historian of the World War II campaigns in and around the Mediterranean I was always wanting to better understand the Italian-Greek war prior to the involvement of the Germans and British Commonwealth, and more importantly get a good grasp on the organisation and equipment of the Greek armed forces.
Therefore I began researching the Greek campaign in some depth about late 1996, however documentation in English is not abundant, but once I contacted Dimitris
(in Athens) progress was much faster and much more

"Greek Troops" - Re-enactors display typical Greek uniforms of the period. Photo kindly supplied by permission from the Greek ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤ
ΙΚΗΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Magazine, 1998. |
Considerable information is available in Greece, providing you have someway of translating the older version of the Greek language. The long-term objective of this site is to present a reasonably comprehensive source for people interested in the campaign, full OOB's will be listed for the Greek forces, including TO&Es and Weapons,
wherever possible. Details of the Greek Army Commands, and associated units will also be provided
as we are able. A summary of the main points of the campaign, and eventually OOB details for the Italians and Germans will eventually be added also.
This site is a long term project and we hope you will bear
with us when there are lengthy periods with little update to
the available information.
We hope you enjoy the site and find it useful...
Discussion Group
Join the discussion about Greece in World War II at the
WW2 Greece Discussion Group.